CS 373 Fall 2021 Week 5: Nathan Eisenberg

Nathan Eisenberg
3 min readSep 27, 2021

What did I do this past week?

I met my group for the first time! Everyone seems nice. We are talking about doing a MLB stats based site. I’m really excited to finally get to work with people again. Programming alone in my room was getting a bit soul-crushing.

What is in my way?

Well we still need to get our project approved. On top of that, I am going to ACL Sunday night and the project is due the day after. I’m hoping we can work ahead so I can relax and go to that without feeling like I’m letting my team down. I also need to send in my scholarship letter to Dr and Mrs Butler. Finally, I need to initiate a Q-drop for cryptography; that class was overwhelming right now especially with the substitute professor.

What will I do next week?

I am going to make sure I make a good impression on my team. I also want to set up good lines of communication so the project goes smoother. Everyone has different skills and interests, and I want to get a feel of them to plan out who will do what for the project. Also, I want to know who would be a good resource for each area of full stack development.

What did I think of this week’s paper: Pair Programming?

I thought it was a little bit funny that we were learning things like “ask for help” and “if you wrong someone, say you’re sorry”. It feels like things that we should have learned in elementary school. I say that, but honestly it was good for me to hear. I have been the anti-social, proud, stubborn programmer before. I have been learning to let go of some of those thing. It is not a problem anymore, but it was a nice reminder. It was definitely a good time for us all to read about this. Hopefully we keep this in mind as we start to work together on our projects.

What was your experience of Python’s object model, list, tuple, set, dict, and iterators?

It was a lot of information to take in actually. Haha it’s really simple but for some reason it took me a minute to get everything straight. Although Python is a pretty intuitive language, there are some layers of abstraction to keep it simple. Unfortunately, we the programmers have to venture behind these layers to understand how to write correct code.

What made me happy this week?

I got to go to the game Saturday, we destroyed Tech! 35 to 70, we doubled their score! Bad day to be a Tech fan. I decided I’m going to buy in to playstation for the next generation. Honestly, it was the playstation exclusive games that made up my mind. I want to get in to the God of War series. I love greek mythology, and I had no idea that’s what those games are about! Also, the new spider man games look really good. I watched all the trailers this week.

What is my tip-of-the-week?

Get to know your teammates! Everything will go so much smoother if you and your teammates get along! If you know what everyone’s strengths are, it will be easier to delegate your work. Half the struggle is communicating.

