What did you do this past week?

I decided to Q-drop cryptography. That means I’ll have to take 1 summer class to graduate, but hopefully they will still let me walk with my graduating class. It was just too much work, and I couldn’t keep up with the pace of the lectures. I was in 19 hours, I’m an officer for Texas Wake, and I have music performances piling up; it was just too much. I also finished up the first project on Monday. Collatz is a cakewalk, but all the software development tools took a while to figure out.

What is in my way?

I’m still worried about getting a job; consequently, I don’t know where I’m going to be next year. I need to start applying now so I can keep my options open. Also I can relax once I have a job. School never used to be hard for me, but since covid it just hasn’t kept my interest like it used to.

What will I do next week?

Next week hopefully I’ll get to meet my software development team for the next 4 projects. I LOVE group projects. Everything seems so much more manageable when you’re in it with other people. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and I love get involved and figuring out how everyone works best. My biggest stresser next week will be my first philosophy paper. I love that stuff, but I am kind of a perfectionist. It’s really hard for me to get started, but once I do I know it will just flow. That kind of logic based writing is my strong suit.

What did I think of Paper #4?

It is always really disheartening hearing about any kind of sexual harassment or assault. I all I could think about was the kind of guys that are doing this in the computer architecture world. Guys in that field often times struggle with understanding women. Especially since there are so few women in that field. That behavior is unacceptable, and honestly I think I bit of dating advice for those guys might help smooth things over. Of course, more drastic measures should be taken when bad stuff like that goes on.

What was my experience with Collatz?

Collatz was pretty easy. Honestly, it’s not that complicated of a mathematical concept. However, learning how to build with python took a minute. Also, all the makefile stuff was easier after the paper but it was still hard to figure out at times. Especially, since I was using windows and scping and sshing into the linux machines.

What made me happy this week?

Cowboys and Horns finally got some Ws! It was a tough loss against Arkansas last week, so I’m thankful we played rice this week haha.

My tip-of-the-week?

Take the time to get to know your development group a bit. Everything is easier when you feel like you can be yourself around the people you are working with. Patience is key.

