CS373 Fall 2021: Nathan Eisenberg Week 13

Nathan Eisenberg
3 min readNov 22, 2021

What did I do this past week?

Last week I finished up phase 3 of the group project. It was not as much work as phase 2. In retrospect it was not as complicated as other phases. It was a lot of perfecting the frontend to backend integration. The two parts of the program really needed to communicate to make this phase work. I worked exclusively with the frontend. It seemed like it would not be as much as work as the backend, but it was much more intricate than it seemed. I really got a refined picture of how typescript components and pages work together.

What is in my way?

This next week I need to figure out exactly how the final phase is going to work. There are a bunch of moving parts and we need a clear picture of what work needs to be done. I am not very good at organization or making code look clean. Hopefully I will be able to clean up the code the right way once I know what is going on. We also need to decide how we will distribute the work. One member of our group went off last week, so it would be nice if we could give that member a break this week.

What will I do next week?

I am going to tackle the problems above. On top of all of that, I have a sound engineering recording project to do. I would like to be able to get it done before I go home for thanksgiving break. My roommates and I are also discussing going camping before we go back home for the break. I have a bunch family back home, so we will have 2 or 3 different thanksgiving meals to prepare for.

What did I think of the Paper #13: Why Extends Is Evil?

I was honestly shocked that java could get so much hate. I have always struggled with the class system and polymorphism in java, but I assumed it was just because I was new to the language. There are professionals complaining about all the same stuff that drove me crazy when I was working with java. Interfaces are much simpler. The concept is abstract, but in practice it is better because it does not produce objects all the way down the system.

What was my experience of SQL?

SQL is much more intuitive than I thought. I pictured it as a land of abstract mathematical concepts, but the code is pretty close to how I would want to say it in English. The joins and stuff are a little bit confusing, but other than that the language makes sense to me. It is really good for data analytics.

What made me happy this week?

Recently I have either been alone or surrounded by too many people with no in between. However, for my birthday I got 3 of my roommates to go out to dinner. It was the right size to be able to get to hear everyone’s input at the table. We went to Texas Roadhouse because I thought that would be funny, and it did not disappoint.

What’s my tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is just to go spend the 15–20 minutes it takes to learn all the commands in SQL. The language is not that complicated, and I’m sure it is commonplace in many data jobs. Just being able to read it and talk about it will give you the confidence you need to get the job done.

