CS373 Fall 2021 Week 3: Nathan Eisenberg

Nathan Eisenberg
2 min readSep 11, 2021

What did I do this past week?

This week I decided that I couldn’t handle a 19 hour work load, so I’m going to drop cryptography. Besides that, I worked ahead on the perusal paper and got it all done on Thursday. I Also watched the Buccs and Cowboys kickoff the NFL season.

What’s in my way?

I still need to figure out what dropping that class means for my graduation schedule. I still need to take 3 CS electives. If there’s a winter semester option, that would be clutch. I could also take 3 CS classes next semester (but that sounds like hell). So, I’ll probably just end up taking one more CS elective next summer. However, I’ll still get to walk with my class! I’m a double major, and I should have my music degree finished on time!

What will I do next week?

Next week, I will finalize my plans for extracurricular activities for this semester. I will also go to the Rice vs UT home game! It’s gonna be a bloodbath, Rice doesn’t stand a chance!

What did I think of this week’s paper?

Continuous Integration is an essential part of any efficient software development project’s process. It helps an entire team stay organized by tracking commits and doing all sorts of other things. Even if you’re doing a solo project, it is a must! The commits logs alone are enough to make it worth it!

What was my experience of IsPrime and Collatz optimizations?

IsPrime was a simple in class exercise that we tackled in groups. It mostly just taught us about the importance of complete testing. Collatz optimizations are cool. If I’m being honest, I forgot exactly how they work. I guess I’ll figure them out in the next three days as I finish up the project.

What made you happy this week?

I reconnected with an old high school friend, and he’s gonna come visit next week. I’m hoping to get him a ticket to the game!

My Tip-Of-The-Week:

Don’t let the process of learning all the development tools wear you down. Collatz is a pretty simple idea, so the logic and actual coding part shouldn’t be too challenging. Take the time to learn about the process and the tools, it will help you during the harder projects.

